Prayer for Financial Wisdom and Security

Prayer for Financial Wisdom and Security

Merciful and Generous Father, we come before You with concerns about the financial uncertainties of this stormy world. Lord, give us wisdom to steward Your resources wisely.

Open our eyes to spots where we may have been wasteful and guide us to make sound financial decisions. Help us to prioritize wisely, seeking Your kingdom first and its righteousness.

Grant us discernment to see the true value of our money—knowing it is You who gives us the ability to acquire wealth.

Guide the hands of those who work with us, that our labor may be rewarded and our efforts blessed. Encourage our customers and clients to trust in You and support our mission during these times of challenge.

Lord, we seek Your peace regarding our finances. May we see Your provision when we least expect it and rest assured that You care for our needs.

Bless us with a heart of generosity and a strong sense of stewardship. Help us to live simply so that we can give abundantly in Your service. Amen.

#FinancialWisdom #GodlyStewardship #SteadyHands #BlessingAndProtection #DivineProvision #GiveAndTake

Suggested Scriptures:
Proverbs 3:5-6, Philippians 4:19, Deuteronomy 8:17-18


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