What do conservatives conserve? (part 1)
What do conservatives conserve? It depends on who you ask. There is no one answer to this question that will be universally true for all conservatives. This is because there are many different groups that identify with conservative values in one way or the other. Black American conservatives think differently than Hispanic conservatives. White Christian conservatives think differently than White Jewish conservatives. Lumping conservatives together is not very useful or effective. Conservatives come from all walks of life, and they hold a variety of beliefs on different issues. Some people are fiscal conservatives and some people are social conservatives. Some people are against abortion, but liberal in many other areas. To try and paint conservatism with a broad brush would be doing it a disservice.
Traditionally, conservatives are Christian and family oriented for the most part. They believe in smaller government and less interference from the government in people's lives. They are pro-business and support capitalism. Conservatives also tend to be against things like abortion and gay marriage. But again, this is not always the case. There are conservative Christians who are pro-choice, and there are conservative atheists who support gay marriage. The conservative movement is a big tent, and that is one of its strengths.
There is no one answer to the question of what do conservatives conserve? It depends on who you ask. And that is okay. Conservatism is not a monolith, and that is what makes it so special. Each person brings their own set of beliefs and values to the conservative movement, and that is what makes it so great. So the next time someone asks you what do conservatives conserve, just tell them it depends. Because that is the truth. conservatism is a complex ideology with many different faces. And that is a good thing. conservatism is not one size fits all, and that is hat makes it so special. each person brings their own set of beliefs and values to the conservative movement, and that is what makes it so great."
What do you think? Do you agree with this assessment of conservatism? Let us know in the comments below! Thanks for reading!
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